Becky 18th July 2021

Good Morning beautiful girl! Today’s the day where I’m getting ready to come up and see you all tomorrow for your little brothers 1st birthday! Can you believe he’s 1 already, doesn’t the time fly! I’m so excited and every minute I spend up there is filled with pure happiness but even after 2 years I still expect to see your beautiful, smiley face open the front door. Life without you is so incredibly hard and there’s not a minute that goes by that I’m not thinking of you. At work I get some children your age in for their hair cut and they will sit there and tell me what they’ve done at school and what they’re learning and I love to hear all about it. Afterwards though I can’t help but then sit there and think what you’d be doing at school, what books you’d be reading, what your favourite song would be and what sort of films and tv shows would you watch. Maybe you’d like one of the new little mix songs or maybe your Daddy would of introduced you to another song that I’ve not heard of but you used to love. I loved seeing you sing and dance around the room with your beautiful smile that could brighten up anyone’s day! You are such an amazing, funny, clever and incredibly brave little girl and I hope you know how proud I was and still am of you, thank you for making me your Aunty! Love you so much beautiful girl ❤️ Aunty Ba xxx